Thursday 26 April 2012


What my brief has asked of me is to create a short film or film trailer that creates or emotion of both, creating an atmosphere that will keep the viewers eyes on the screen throughout.

By using what I know from films that have influenced mine the, camera techniques, music, story and  look of my film, will hopefully pull of an atmospheric suspense trailer, that as a bonus will inflict fear to the viewer not to the stage that they won't want to see the film but more that they will want to know what the film is about.

By looking at the camera techniques getting the suspense across to the viewer will be helped along with the long shots, that lead up to events that happen to the main character.

Evaluating my test film 'Videotape', I found the viewers being intrigued in what was happening in the film but led to them saying they didn't really know what was happening. this feedback helps me realise I'm getting the filming in the right area but not so much the story telling.

looking back at the test film, in my opinion it was too dark and hard to see, so I'm not going to use dark outside scenes in my film and if i do I will use them very minimally. I find horror films using the dark to create suspense is an easy technique, films that create scary scenes without the use of darkness are much more clever and have much more impact because horror film viewers are so used to dark scary scenes.

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