Thursday, 15 March 2012

Initial ideas

Initial Ideas
 I have enjoyed watching films all my life, from a young age all the way up to know, I enjoy all genres of film, from action to foreign, documentaries to comedy, but if I had to choose an all time favourite it would have to be Horror. What interests me so much about this Genre is the added extra in creating a horror movie that is creating suspense and making the audience jump or look away and cover their ears. I believe this to be more of a talent than creating ordinary movies, because you create an emotion that passes over on a screen to the viewer. My passion for Horror came after watching Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, which is easily in my top 3 favourite films ever.

This trailer for the film shows a simple shot of the infamous elevators, whilst a string orchestra increases in sound and intensity, this easily creating the suspense in this short scene, the elevator then empties a large quantity of blood, adding the bit you weren't suspecting feeling to the trailer,  which is a necessity to any a trailer, this is yet so simple but really effective.

The next video I've selected is a trailer for Danny Boyle's epic Zombie film 28 Days later, what I love about this trailer, is again the music and sound is what makes the video so effective, but the less is more technique where it wants the viewer on the edge of the seat in fright but also in anticipation to what happens in the movie, this is an effective technique. Some of the shots in this film are incredible and they show off the film when put into the trailer, and I feel the scene walking through an abandoned London is a piece of art.

The last Film trailer I have selected is the Blair Witch Project which uses a unique camera angle which works so well films have adapted the use of telling a film through a camera, the likes of paranormal activity and used on all three movies, what I like about this trailer is the simplicity and how clear her voice is and what she says, then showing the girl right at the end puts a huge cliff hanger to the audience.


The Beginning of my FMP film set out in my blog, This is my development of ideas for my Film that I am going to create for the FMP. This will involve initial ideas, this will be the building blocks of what my film will be based around. Once I am happy with my Initial ideas and I have a solid structure of what my film is based on I will Experiment with technique and camera angles. After that I will focus on the Health and Safety of the Project, this involves, the use of electrical and expensive equipment, and the filming on location. The ideas will then move on to what I am trying to achieve within my film this can range from making the audience laugh to creating suspense and why you have created the film, After that I am going to create a time plan which will keep me organised and up to date with how my schedule will run. I will finish on an evaluation of my Development of ideas and talk about what I considered a success and what didn't work quite as well. This is my introduction to the Development of FMP.